
Vishakha Mahila Shiksha Evam Sodh Samiti Flat Number 106 Naman Residency II Krishna Sagar, Near Patrkaar colony Mansarover, Jaipur Rajasthan 302020

The women’s movement in Rajasthan has seen a blending of voices of the rural unlettered and the urban educated women and their concerns. Distinct from most other regions, the movement has also seen an active exchange of energies with other critical peoples’ movements in the state.

From demanding for constituting a state women’s commission, to a critical review of the state women’s policy and generating public debate on police practices in registration of domestic violence cases, the medical community’s role in pre natal diagnostic testing or the local media’s representation of women atrocity incidents- The movement has on the one side confronted the State on multiple issues and built pressure, and on the other- stood up for constructive collaborations.